Important Articles from Indian Express: 31/10/2019

Front Page

  • Whats App confirms : Israeli spyware was used to snoop on Indian journalists, activists
  • Delhi and Riyadh underline : Reject all interference in internal affairs
  • J&K become UT today amid attempts to create space for political alternative in valley
  • As Delhi gasped for air, Punjab saw 3015 farm fires in one day

Govt & Politics

  • Merkel arrives on two day visit today, 20 pacts on agenda

Express Network

  • Art 370 India’s internal matter : EU MP’s in J&K
  • At Centre EU MP’s visit think tank that backed all govts
  • Kerala to offer 10% dividend on deposits up to 51 lakh
  • Centre’s deadline ends today, extension likely
  • Tejas refund for delay scheme may not apply in case of act of God


  • J&K state to 2 UTS : today, later
  • Rising seas in India and world
  • Who are Kerala Maoists, how they different from their comrades elsewhere


  • It’s credibility, stupid
  • A new kind of govt
  • Task in the valley
  • Rising insecurity

Ideas Page

  • Neighbour’s duty
  • New turn in the valley
  • ISIS after Baghdadi


  • Goyal on free trade agreements : Don’t create fear psychosis


  • Why happy seeder isn’t a happy proposition
  • Its only sugar and spice for India’s farm shipments now

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