PIB Analysis Date: 24/10/2018


Topics Covered

  1. Seoul Peace Prize
  2. National Monitoring Framework for SDG 
  3. Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF)
  4.  Trade Promotion Council of India 

1 .  PM awarded the 2018 Seoul Peace Prize

About the release

  • PM Narendra Modi awarded the 2018 Seoul Peace Prize in recognition of his dedication to improving international cooperation, raising global economic growth, accelerating the Human Development of the people of India by fostering economic growth in the world’s fastest growing large economy and furthering the development of democracy through anti-corruption and social integration efforts

What is Seoul Peace Prize

  • The Seoul Peace Prize was established in 1990 to commemorate the success of the 24th Olympic Games held in Seoul, Republic of Korea – an event in which 160 nations from across the world took part, creating harmony and friendship and a worldwide atmosphere of peace and reconciliation.
  • The Seoul Peace Prize was established to crystallize the Korean people’s yearning for peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the rest of the world.
  • The Seoul Peace Prize has been awarded biennially to those individuals who have made their mark through contributions to the harmony of mankind, reconciliation between nations and to world peace.

2 . National Monitoring Framework on Sustainable Development Goals

What is MDG

  • At the Millennium Summit held in 2000 at the UN Headquarters in New York, eight development goals known as the ‘Millennium Development Goals’ (MDGs) were adopted, which formed the blueprint for countries to pursue their national development strategies from 2000 to 2015.
  • The MDGs comprised eight Goals and addressed various development issues.
  • The MDGs targets were unevenly achieved across the countries and a need was felt to start fresh discussions to assess the usefulness of the MDGs and to explore possible successor to guide development cooperation in the world beyond 2015.

Sustainable Development Goals

  • The UN General Assembly in its 70thSession considered and adopted the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) for the next 15 years.
  • The 17 SDGs came into force with effect from 1stJanuary, 2016.
  • Though not legally binding, the SDGs have become de facto international obligations and have potential to reorient domestic spending priorities of the countries during the next fifteen years.
  • Countries are expected to take ownership and establish a national framework for achieving these Goals.
  • Implementation and success will rely on countries’ own sustainable development policies, plans and programmes.
  • Countries would be responsible for follow-up and review at the national level, with regard to the progress made in implementing the Goals and targets.
Sustainable Development Goals

About the release ?

  • The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the constitution of a High Level Steering Committee for periodically reviewing and refining the National Indicator Framework (NIF) for monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with associated targets.

About the committee

  • The High Level Steering Committee will be chaired by Chief Statistician of India and Secretary, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI), with the Secretaries of data source Ministriesand NITI Aayogas members and Secretaries of other related Ministries as special invitees, with function of reviewing of National Indicator Framework including refinement of the indicators from time to time.


  1. Measures to mainstream SDGs into on-going national policies, programmes and strategic action plans to address the developmental challenges.
  2. Statistical indicators of NIF will be the backbone of monitoring of SDGs at the national and state level and will scientifically measure the outcomes of the policies to achieve the targets under different SDGs.
  3. Based on statistical indicator, the MoSPI will bring out national reports on implementation of SDGs. The Report will facilitate assessment of progress, identify challenges and give recommendations for follow up at the national level.
  4. High Level Steering Committee will review the National Indicator Framework on regular basis for its improvement.
  5. Data source Ministries / Departments will be responsible for providing regular information to MoSPI on these indicators at required intervals and disaggregation for national and sub-national reporting of SDGs.
  6. Advanced IT tools will be used for close and effective monitoring.

Major impact

  1. SDGs integrate economic, social and environmental dimensions of development. It intends eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity in a changing world with basic motto of ‘SabkaSaathSabkaVikash’.
  2. SDGs with 17 Goals and 169 Targets intend for promotion of sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth, creating greater opportunities for all, reducing inequalities, raising basic standards of living, fostering equitable social development and inclusion, promoting integrated and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems.
  3. NIF will help in outcome-based monitoring & reportingon progress on SDGs at National level.

3 . Creation of Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF)

About the release

  • Approval for creation of special  Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF)


  • Creation of fisheries infrastructure facilities both in marine and Inland fisheries sectors.
  • To augment fish production to achieve its target of 15 million tonne by 2020 set under the Blue Revolution; and to achieve a sustainable growth of 8% -9% thereafter to reach the fish production to the level of about 20 MMT by 2022-23.
  • Employment opportunities to over 9.40 lakh fishers/fishermen/fisherfolk and other entrepreneurs in fishing and allied activities.
  • To attract private investment in creation and management of fisheries infrastructure facilities.
  • Adoption of new technologies.

4 .  Trade Promotion Council of India

About Trade Promotion Council of India

  • Trade Promotion Council of India (TPCI) is an apex trade body under the Ministry of Commerce which focuses on promoting and facilitating trade, with focus on agri and food, education, IT and entertainment as also chemicals, plastic and telecom sectors

Click here for PIB Analysis of 23rd October 2018 

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