Rupee Exchange Rate

What determines the rupee’s value?  The value of any currency is determined by demand for the currency as well as its supply. When the supply of a currency increases, its value drops.   On the other hand, when the demand for a currency increases, its value rises.   In the wider economy, central banks determine … Read more

Minimum Support Price

Context: Recently the agriculture ministry has approved the MSP hike for six crops. Background The decision of MSP hike has come amid vehement protests by farmers, who fear that the new agricultural marketing reforms through 3 bills would result in the phasing out of MSP and public procurement. Crops for which MSP has been increased … Read more

Basel Norms

What are Basel Norms? The BASEL norms are a set of common standards for banks across countries.  They were originally set in 1974. The most recent set of norms is the BASEL III, is likely to be implemented in India from 2019. This affects a lot of banks.  Basel a city in Switzerland is also … Read more

Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill, 2020

Context: The Lok Sabha has passed an amendment to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, which will bring cooperative banks under the direct supervision of the RBI and bring them under some of the same governance norms as commercial banks. Background Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha and will replace an ordinance … Read more

Reserve Bank of India

Sub-topics Covered History of RBI Functions of RBI Monetary Policy  Evolution of Monetary Policy in India – Monetary Targeting framework, Multiple indicator Approach Inflation Targeting Monetary Policy Committee Instruments of Monetary Policy Current issues regarding Independence of RBI – RBI vs Govt, independence of RBI, Section 7 of the RBI Act Comparison of RBI and US Federal … Read more

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