PIB Analysis : 9th and 10th January

PIB Analysis for UPSC CSE

Topics Covered

  1. MILAN 2020
  2. State Energy Efficiency Index 2019
  3. Revamp of SEZ Policy
  4. Facts for Prelims

1 . MILAN 2020

About MILAN 2020

  • MILAN 2020 is a multilateral naval exercise aimed to enhance professional interaction between friendly foreign navies and learn from each other’s strengths and best practices in the maritime domain.
  • The Exercise with the theme ‘Synergy Across the Seas’ would provide an excellent opportunity for Operational Commanders of friendly foreign navies to interact with each other in areas of mutual interest.
  • Of the 41 navies invited, confirmations from over 30 navies have been received towards their participation in MILAN 2020.

2 . State Energy Efficiency Index 2019

Context : Shri Raj Kumar Singh,  Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Power and New & Renewable Energy and Honourable Minister of State for Skill Development & Entrepreneurshiptoday released here today the ‘State Energy Efficiency Index 2019’,

About the Index

  • Index tracks the progress of Energy Efficiency (EE) initiatives in 36 states and union territories based on 97 significant indicators.
  • The index was released on  the occasion of RPM ( Review, Planning and Monitoring) meeting
  • The index is developed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in association with Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE). 


  • It will help states contribute towards national goals on energy security and climate action by helping drive EE policies and program implementation at the state and local level, tracking progress in managing the states’ and India’s energy footprint  and  institutionalising the data capture and monitoring of EE activities by states.

Details of the Index

  • The first such Index, the “State Energy Efficiency Preparedness Index 2018”, was launched on August 1, 2018.
  • Taking forward the State Energy Efficiency Preparedness Index 2018, the State Energy Efficiency Index 2019 incorporates qualitative, quantitative and outcome-based indicators to assess energy efficiency initiatives, programs and outcomes in five distinct sectors – buildings, industry, municipalities, transport, agriculture, and DISCOMs.
  • New indicators for this year include adoption of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) 2017, energy efficiency in MSME clusters, etc. 
  • This year, a total of 36 states and union territories have been assessed based on their efforts and achievements in policy and regulation, financing mechanisms, institutional capacity, adoption of energy efficiency measures and energy savings achieved.
  • For rational comparison, States/UTs are grouped into four groups based on aggregated Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) required to meet the state’s actual energy demand (electricity, coal, oil, gas, etc.) across sectors.
  • TPES grouping shall help states compare performance and share best practices within their peer group.
  • Under four categories based on TPES, Haryana, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashta, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Puducherry and Chandigarh have been evaluated as progressive states/UTs in the State Energy Efficiency Index 2019.

Key Takeaways for States

  • State EE Index 2019 shows that majority of the initiatives taken by states are related to Policies and Regulations. Most of the first-generation energy efficiency policies prepared by BEE under programmes on Standards & Labelling (S&L), ECBC, Perform Achieve & Trade (PAT), etc. are understood by states and as the next steps they should focus on ensuring greater compliance to achieve savings.

Based on the analysis of responses submitted by states this year, a three-point agenda is suggested for consideration by state agencies:

  1. Proactive role by states in policy formulation and implementation to shift the focus from “policies in place” to “policies successfully implemented”.
  2. Strengthening the mechanism for data capture, management and public availability of data: For this year’s Index, SDAs proactively contacted various state departments to gather data. However, SDAs should further enhance their engagement with state departments and private sector to enable a robust mechanism for Energy Data Management System.
  3. Enhancing the credibility of EE schemes: Ensuring the integrity of programs that have direct or indirect linkages with common consumers is significant to energy efficiency market transformation.States must demonstrate an approach which includes enforcement and compliance checks as well as independent monitoring and verification of savings, which is integral to all EE policies andprograms.

3 . Revamp of SEZ Policy

Context : Commerce and Industry & Railways Minister Piyush Goyal chaired a meeting yesterday in New Delhi to review the remaining recommendations of the Baba Kalyani report on Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy of India.

About the News

  • Commerce and Industry Minister examined the revamp of the SEZ policy with a view to meeting the global challenges being faced by Indian exporters.
  • Discussions were also held to find a way out for implementation of the remaining recommendations in order to facilitate the ease of doing business in the present global market scenario.

About the Recommendations

  • The recommendations which have been completed include review of specific exclusions proposed in NFE computation in light of Make in India initiative, sharing of duty exempted assets/ infrastructure between units to be allowed against specific approval, and formalization of de-notification process for enclaves and delinking its present mandatory usage for SEZs purpose only.
  • The other implemented recommendations are support to servicification of manufacturing zone, allowing manufacturing enabling services companies, broad-banding definition of services/allowing multiple services to come together and flexibility to enter into a long term lease agreement with stakeholders in Zones in line with the State policies and the application for constructing minimum built up area by Developer or Co-developer beyond a period of ten years from the date of notification of the SEZ on merits of each case..
  • Other changes and initiatives taken for the SEZs include delegation of powers to Development Commissioner for shifting of SEZ unit from one zone to another, supplies of services in DTA against foreign exchange or Indian Rupees to be counted towards NFE, enable a trust to be considered for grant of permission to set-up a unit in a SEZ, setting up of cafeteria, gymnasium, creche and other similar facilities/ amenities and uniform list of services to SEZ.

About Baba Kalyani Committee

  • The Baba Kalyani led committee was constituted by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to study the existing SEZ policy of India and had submitted its recommendations in November 2018.
  • The objectives of the committee were to evaluate the SEZ policy and make it WTO compatible, suggest measures for maximizing utilization of vacant land in SEZs, suggest changes in the SEZ policy based on international experience and merge the SEZ policy with other Government schemes like coastal economic zones, Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor, national industrial manufacturing zones and food and textile parks.


  • If India is on the path to become a USD 5 trillion economy by 2025 then the present environment of manufacturing competitiveness and services have to undergo a basic paradigm shift. The success seen in services sector like IT and ITeS have to be promoted in other services sectors like health care, financial services, legal, repair and design services.
  • The Government of India has set a target of creating 100 million jobs and achieving 25% of GDP from the manufacturing sector by 2022, as part of the flagship Make in India programme.
  • Further, the Government plans to increase manufacturing value to USD 1.2 trillion by 2025. While these plans are intended to propel India into a growth trajectory, it requires evaluation of existing policy frameworks to catalyse manufacturing sector growth. At the same time, policy needs to be compliant with the relevant WTO regulations.

4. Facts for Prelims

Nandyal – Yerraguntla section in Guntakal Division has been declared as the first solar section in South Central Railway

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