PIB Analysis for UPSC CSE
Topics Covered
- Bullet Resistant Jackets
- Goa Maritime Conclave– 2019
- Youth Co Lab
- Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Guidelines and Specifications
- Green Crackers
1 . Bullet Resistant Jackets
Context : Union Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Shri Ram Vilas Paswan today showcased the Bullet Resistant Jackets being made under the ‘Make in India’ initiative
About the Jacket
- These jackets are light weight weighing between 5 kilograms to 10 kilograms depending on the threat level and are of the best quality in the world.
- The jackets have a dynamic weight distribution system which makes it feel half its actual weight and also has an easy to open and release system to ensure that the jawans can easily wear and remove the jackets as per their requirement without much effort.
- These jackets also allow the jawans to use his weapon with ease while getting a 360 degree protection from bullets. Maximum areal densities for Soft Armour Panel (SAP) and Hard Armour Panel (HAP) has been specified for these jackets.
Prices of the jackets are in the range of Rs. 70,000 to 80,000 which is considerably lesser than the price of the jackets which were being procured earlier. - The Jackets have been made using standard (IS 17051: 2018) set by the Bureau of India Standard (BIS)which was notified in December, 2018.
- This standard has been formulated following the directions of Niti Aayog and Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The standard is expected to fulfil the long pending demand of Indian Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces and State Police Forces and will assist them in streamlining their procurement process.
- India has now joined selected League of Nations such as US, UK & Germany to have its own standard for Bullet Resistant Jackets. Standard that has been set by BIS is at par with International Standards.
2 . Goa Maritime Conclave– 2019
Context : Goa Maritime Conclave (GMC)-2019 was inaugurated by the National Security Advisor.
About Goa Maritime Conclave 2019
- The Goa Maritime Conclave (GMC) 2019, is conducted by the Naval War College, Goa
- It is attended by Chiefs of Navies and representatives from 10 Indian Ocean littoral countries
- The theme for the conclave is “Common Maritime Priorities in IOR and need for Regional Maritime Strategy”.
- It will help in furthering diplomatic initiatives taken by India in the maritime domain, best exemplified by the Security and Growth for All (SAGAR) initiative
- The deliberations, which were held were focused on capacity building among IOR Navies to tackle emerging maritime threats, in addition to discussing cooperative strategies for enhancing interoperability among partner maritime agencies.
3 . Youth Co Lab
Context : In a latest initiative to recognize young people as critical drivers of sustainable development, Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) India on Friday launched Youth Co:Lab which aims at accelerating social entrepreneurship and innovation in young India.
About Youth Co Lab
- Through Youth Co:Lab, young entrepreneurs and innovators will get a chance to connect with governments, mentors, incubators and investors, who will help equip them with entrepreneurial skills.
- The initiative will also convene a series of youth dialogues across several cities such as New Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Mumbai to promote entrepreneurship across India.
- The first phase of Youth Co:Lab will focus on six SDGs: SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).
- Targeted at supporting young people overcome challenges, UNDP and AIM, NITI Aayog will empower young people through innovative development ideas.
- Youth Co:Lab will convene social innovation challenges at the national and sub-national level, which will invite young people in the age group of 18-29 years and start-ups to showcase their proposed ideas and solutions to tackle some of the region’s biggest social challenges.
4 . Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Guidelines and Specifications
Context : In a major decision to give a boost to Electric Vehicles in country, Union Minister of State for Power and New & Renewable Energy (IC) and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Shri RK Singh has approved amendments in Electric Vehicle Charging Guidelines and Specifications.
About the Revised Guidelines
- At least one Charging Station to be available in a grid of 3 Km x 3 Km in the cities and one Charging Station at every 25 Km on both sides of highways/roads
- It has been envisaged that in the first phase (i.e. 1-3 years) all Mega Cities with population of 4 million plus as per census 2011, all existing expressways connected to these Mega Cities & important Highways connected with each of these Mega Cities may be taken up for coverage
- In the second phase (3-5 years) big cities like State Capitals, UT headquarters may be covered for distributed and demonstrative effect. Further, important Highways connected with each of these Mega Cities may also be taken up for coverage.
- To address the concerns in inter-city travel and long range and/or heavy duty EVs it has been provided that Fast Charging Station for long range and/or heavy duty EVs like buses/trucks etc., shall be installed at every 100 Kms, shall be installed one on each side of the highways/road located preferably within/alongside the Public Charging Station (PCS) mentioned above.
- The tariff to be charged, from Public Charging Stations as well as from domestic consumers for domestic charging, by the DISCOMs and the Service Charges to be charged by these PCS from EV users have also been covered in the guidelines. It has been provided that the domestic charging shall be akin to domestic consumption of electricity and shall be charged as such. However, in case of PCS, it has been provided that tariff for the supply of electricity to PCS shall be determined by the appropriate commission in accordance with the Tariff policy issued under section 3 of Electricity Act 2003, as amended from time to time.
- Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) nominated as the Central Nodal Agency to facilitate installation of Charging Infrastructure
5 . Green Crackers
Context : In a bid to resolve the crisis of air pollution, the Governnment launched green firecrackers.
About Green Crackers
- Green crackers” are so named because they “do not contain harmful chemicals” that would cause air pollution. Components in firecrackers are replaced with others that are “less dangerous” and “less harmful” to the atmosphere,
- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) labs have been successful in developing various environment-friendly fireworks such as sound emitting crackers, flowerpots, pencils, chakkar and sparklers.
- Green logo as well as a Quick Response (QR) coding system has been developed for differentiation of green crackers from conventional crackers. QR codes is a novel feature incorporated on the fire crackers to avoid manufacture and sale of counterfeit products. This will also help the consumers to track the cracker using smart phones and other devices.