Important Articles from The Hindu Newspaper : 28/4/2024

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Front Page

  • Union govt. releases disaster relief funds for Karnataka, T.N.
  • Over 140 hectares gutted in Uttarakhand forest fires


  • Hamas is reviewing an Israeli proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza, as possible Rafah offensive looms
  • China launches first of the 8 Hangor-class advanced submarines built for Pakistan


  • Will new insurance rules help senior citizens?
  • When is a candidate elected unopposed?
  • How do extreme climate events impact Asia?


  • Rocks with the evidence of Earth’s magnetic field discovered
  • The many benefits of coconut


  • ‘India set to sign trade deal with Oman to expand its West Asia ties’
  • India, Chinese Taipei ask WTO body to delay ruling on ICT levy


  • Nagaland to hold civic polls with women quota after 20 years

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