Important Articles from Indian Express: 7/12/2019

Front Page

  • Justice executed
  • Due process vs instant verdict : Applause for Police & a few questions
  • POCSO convicts should have no right to mercy petitions, says President

Govt & Politics

  • Citizenship bill to enter Lok Sabha monday whips issued
  • Citizenship to those facing persuction assure them of better lives

Killed in custody

  • MHA asks states to use modern tools, training to ensure safety of women
  • NCW chief says legal system must be followed
  • Amid celebration voices of caution

Express Network

  • Abe to visit on Dec 15 bilateral likely in Assam
  • NALSA chairperson Justice Ramanaoulines plans with Vision 2020 document


  • Strangers in their own land
  • Ambedkar without caste
  • Crime as punishment
  • Taking it personally

Ideas Page

  • Fall of Indo Pak Berlin wall
  • Criminals in uniform

Express Network

  • No Indian study shows that pollution shorten life says Javadekar


  • Why carbon market is debated
  • How to inspect bodies without cutting them up
  • Why planet orbiting white dwarf start is a breakthrough discovery


  • India’s data localisation plan shouldn’t stymie growth in transactions says US treasury Secy
  • GST compensation cess fund impacted by auto sector slowdown

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