Important Articles from Indian Express: 3/4/2020

Front Page

  • PM to CMs Plan phased un-lockdown
  • Option gaining ground : After 21 days easing of curbs in select areas
  • Rapid antibody tests in hotspots advised, decision left to states
  • Govt pushes speedy sourcing of protective gear, medical items
  • Need to add new test and quarantine plan to lockdown
  • As growth slows demand for work under MGNREGA shoots to 9 yr high
  • Doing good to do well : Holding on to the migrant


  • Extend lockdown , need more PPEs : Officers on ground
  • Medical supply, PPE safety of Indians abroad : What CMs want


  • Policing a lockdown
  • Plotting the way back
  • Life & death
  • Another misstep in J&K

Ideas Page

  • Opportunity in the crisis
  • Carte blanche and a blind eye
  • Pandemic and the community

Express Network

  • MHA tells state govts to penalise violators of lockdown measures
  • PM, Merkel discuss collaboration raise issue of medical gap
  • Need for green clearance way to achieve sustainable development says SC


  • Disruption in economy by lockdown can be catastrophic
  • MHA blacklists 960 Tablighi foreigners


  • To do rapid test or not to
  • Kerala’s vulnerability test : age morbidity
  • Perhaps the exodus will spotlight migrants key role in city’s functioning


  • 6.6 mn file for US jobless benefits


  • Despite RBI liquidity push, banks stare at fresh NPAs
  • Manufacturing activity weakens in March
  • Banks to deposit 500 in women Jan Dhan accounts from today

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