Important Articles from Indian Express: 25/10/2019

Govt & Politics

  • Amid chill, India & Pak sign pact on Kartarpur corridor
  • Strategic ties, migration, oil key agenda of PM’s Saudi visit
  • In refusing Mishra’s recusal, SC relied on two verdicts by CJI led benches
  • Talks between NSCN – IM and Govt inconclusive

Express Network

  • How long ? Come with clear answers SC to J&K on curbs
  • J&K to SC : Situation has substantially improved
  • India says criticism regrettable should have focussed on cross border terror
  • India asks Malaysia leadership to do serious introspection

Ideas Page

  • Medical devices are not drugs


  • China Afghan Pak diplomacy takes cricket route


  • SC upholds DoT definition of AGR; telecos to pay govt over Rs 92K crore
  • Ease of doing business India rises 14 places to 63rd
  • Fitch slashes India’s growth outlook

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