Important Articles from Indian Express: 24/5/2020

Front Page

  • Centre says Aarogya setu app passport to fly, some states disagree (GS-2)
  • Glaring gaps in number of testing labs marks next covid challenge (GS-2)
  • LAC heats up, Army Chief takes stock (GS-2)
  • Amphan brings down trees,experts say poor planning (GS-3)

Express Network

  • Modi talks covid with Mauritius PM, Lanka President (GS-2)
  • Amphan aftermath : Bengal seeks help Army deploys five columns (GS-3)
  • After teething trouble free pulses distribution picks up (GS-2/3)
  • Large remdesivir clinical trial in US shows new promise(GS-3)


  • 2600 more shramik special in 10 days : Rlys (GS-2)
  • Give us a reason to stay… something beyond MGNREGA (GS-2)


  • States complete to bring in sweeping changes to labour laws competition to attract capital, says analysts (GS-2)
  • Future actions will depend on how covid crisis pans out : FM (GS-2)


  • 8 hour work days, and how we got there
  • The economic pandemic


  • Brazil now biggest covid hotspot after US

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