Important Articles from Indian Express : 24/4/2023

Front Page

  • On the run for over a month, Amritpal singh arrested, sent to jail in Assam
  • Govt’s evacuation plan : 2 IAF planes in Jeddah, Navy ship in Port Sudan
  • Bar council to SC : Leave call on same sex marriage to parliament
  • Ahead of SCO meeting, India and China corps commanders hold talks


  • Safeguarding constitution
  • Arrested Finally
  • Every drop counts
  • Shield against autocrats

Ideas Page

  • Democracy’s sentinel

Express Network

  • Delhi set to host talks on Myanmar crisis tomorrow


  • Kesavananda case and its legacy


  • Startup funding : Lenders looking for separate liquidity window from RBI
  • Govt clamping down ponzi schemes : FM Sitharaman


  • Countries rush to evacuate citizens from Sudan as US, UK pull out their diplomats

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