Important Articles from Indian Express : 24/12/2022

We have restarted CA MCQs. We strongly suggest you to attempt the Current Affairs MCQs as it will help you to revise Current Affairs better. It covers CA from Hindu, Indian Express and PIB.

Front Page

  • For one year from Jan, Govt makes foodgrains free for 81 crore people
  • Intranasal vaccine gets clearance as booster option in covid fight
  • 70 Kids deaths : Gambian panel holds cough syrup manufacturer Maiden culpable seeks legal action

Govt & Politics

  • Cabinet nod for revision in pension paid under OROP

In Parliament

  • Winter session concludes early amid fewer disruptions, high productivity

Express Network

  • Maoist violence death down, Chhattisgarh sees rise in cases


  • The covid spectre again
  • A more accessible house
  • Tackling Beijing


  • On GM follow the science
  • Notes on life , love and law
  • Major questions about minors


  • The taliban war on women
  • Benin bronzes


  • Putin says Russia wants to end to war in Ukraine calls for diplomatic solution


  • Social media appellate panels may deal with deplatforming data issues
  • Air passenger may get to fly free in case of involuntary downgrade : DGCA
  • Multiple factors to be considered on cross border data transfer
  • Global development likery to complicate economic outlook
  • Drone insurance

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