Important Articles from Indian Express: 22/2/2020

Front Page

  • Family to accompany Trump; Commerce, Energy secretaries, NSA part of his team
  • Deadlines are over act or face consequences FATF to Pakistan
  • Data bill give dangerous powers
  • Assam NRC chief : Ineligible person in list , identify

Govt & Politics

  • Kartarpur corridor a security challenge says Punjab DGP

Express Network

  • Rajnath lays foundation stone of new army complex
  • Report shows sharp dip in water table across Bihar


  • An agenda for Modi Trump
  • Afghan challenge
  • Lahore’s forgotten Laurete
  • Cut copy paste

Ideas Page

  • The next mission


  • India -US ties over the years
  • How to study light and confirm potential wexoplanet
  • How India proposal can help elephant and birds


  • Despite decline in gross NPAs impaired assets of banks at 16.88 lakh crore
  • Past cess surplus to halve States GST deficit
  • NCAER pegs GDP at 4.9% in 2019-20

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