Important Articles from Indian Express: 18/9/2019

Front Page

  • How PSA board has become a rubber stamp – Oks almost all detention orders
  • PoK a part of India, one day will have physical jurisdiction : EAM
  • Sardar Patel inspiration for J&K decision says PM

Govt & Politics

  • Plan for new agency to handle exams for govt recruitment gets ministry nod

Express Network

  • Defence sector will help take Indian Economy to $10tn by 2030 : Rajnath
  • ISRO panel to release report on vikram lander soon
  • NGO substantially financed by Govt comes under RTI Act :SC
  • All NGO office bearers must declare they are not involved in religious conversion
  • NHA for blacklisting hospital caught in PMJAY fraud


  • Civil code : the debate, the status
  • Joining the dots in the great game in Yemen


  • Austerity for growth
  • Dyerism then and now
  • The fire of Arabia
  • Identity fixation

Ideas Page

  • Not in the spirit of the constitution
  • How parliament is diminished


  • Chinese envoy to Pakistan : CPEC has entered second phase
  • UK PM could recall Parliament if top court rule suspension illegal


  • With US envoy in attendance, govt holds talks with stakeholders
  • RBI proposes regulation for payment gateways

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