Important Articles from Indian Express : 18/7/2022

Front Page

  • Monsoon session begins today : Govt Opposition brace for a stormy start
  • 2 billion jabs : India crosses global covid milestone
  • Commodity prices fall can hep India escape global inflation trap
  • Aviation upturn sees new trends : Tourism routes popular ; curbs in China benefit India

Express Network

  • India presses for full disengagement


  • Is there a crisis in rice ?
  • How VP is elected, How constitution defines his or her roles


  • Beyond CAATSA
  • A lighter touch
  • An orderly transition

Ideas Page

  • A prosperity lesson for India


  • Europe battles to control wildfires


  • US must be alarmed by foreing cos exiting India
  • Prepacked, labelled cereal, pulse , flour weighing up to 25 Kg to attract 5% GST

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