Important Articles from Indian Express : 15/2/2023

We have restarted CA MCQs. We strongly suggest you to attempt the Current Affairs MCQs as it will help you to revise Current Affairs better. It covers CA from Hindu, Indian Express and PIB.

Front Page

  • Modi, Macron, Biden announce 470 Airbus, Boeing planes for AI

Express Network

  • New data projects 4% increase in wheat production this fiscal
  • India does not believe in cut and dried solutions for countries in need : Rajnath
  • Mumbai, Dhaka, London, NY in line of threat from rising sea level, says WMO report


  • Hindi in the world

Ideas Page

  • Japan and the global South
  • Green transition enabler


  • The missing Dy speaker : The post and what the constitution says
  • Geo heritages and geo relics
  • High altitude balloons


  • War in critical phase, Kyiv appeals for jets


  • Why does RBIs household survey see retail inflation staying elevated?
  • WPI eases to 2-year low of 4.73% in Jan

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