Important Articles from Indian Express : 1/5/2020

Front Page

  • Second stimulus : Govt plans targeting based on need, MSME to begin with
  • Almost 50% of the dead are below age 60 up from 25%


  • Active cases in most containment zones, curbs to stay post lockdown

Express Network

  • COVID effect : Oman says its own will replace expats in govt sector
  • 2days of kits left, 7 lakh RNA extraction kits arrive


  • Make sure no patient is turned away Delhi Maharashtra to private hospitals
  • In Karnataka, worry over spurt in corona cases among SARI patients
  • At 1000 deaths, only Germany had conducted more tests than India


  • Going Home
  • End the uncertainty

Ideas Page

  • The New Deal India needs
  • Labours leader
  • Renew the pledge


  • Can Covid hit sense of smel?
  • What coronavirus copy machine looks like
  • We need global access agreement before a vaccine is developed


  • South Korea, Hong Kong milestone : A day gone with no new local cases


  • Permanent loss of 4% to real GDP likely : Revenue decline of upto 15% for India inc
  • Need to open in a measured way, but as fast as possible

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