Important Articles from The Hindu Newspaper : 18/3/2024

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Front Page

  • Big beneficiaries claim inability to reveal poll bond donor details
  • Governor stalls re-induction of T.N. Minister into Cabinet
  • A cultural christening of a number name


  • IceCube: the big, chill neutrino-spotter


  • Putin poised to rule Russia after an election with no other real choices
  • EU and Egypt agree to a €7.4-billion deal on energy, migration


  • Hijacked vessel seized by Navy, IAF after marathon operation
  • More polling booths in Bastar flagged as ‘critical’
  • As some parties did not disclose poll bond donors, SC sought their ‘detailed particulars’ in April 2019 order
  • ‘Elections in India and EU holding up trade pact talks’

Text & Context

  • What is the HbA1C test and why is it used to check for diabetes?
  • How were the new Election Commissioners selected?
  • The problem of equity in IPCC reports


  • No major change in employment status or wages in 10 years


  • Many elections, AI’s dark dimension
  • The Myanmar conflict is a regional problem
  • On the ballot
  • Bonded favours

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