Important Articles from Indian Express : 30/9/2024

Front Page

  • Small nuclear reactors get traction : Private players offer captive sites for power projects
  • About 30,000 yet to return from S-E Asia, Punjab tops list

Govt & Politics

  • Rise in FDI shows Make in India success, back local products : PM
  • Rajnath : Had Pak been friendly we would have given more than IMF

Express Network

  • With 2026 target approaching, clearing of 50% landfill sites in big cities yet to start
  • What cities are doing with land reclaimed from garbage dumps


  • A rice variety to curb farm fires
  • How Mar’s atmosphere went missing : New study offers clues
  • Cadaver donations : Need, rules and challenges


  • The rankings trap
  • Unlocking the retail advantage
  • A dangerous edge

Ideas Page

  • Food that doesn’t feed
  • One election is a win – win


  • Goyal : May ease public procurement rules for innovative product manufacturers

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