Important Articles from Indian Express : 30/5/2020

Front Page

  • Early warning growth slows to 3.1% in Q4 which had just 1 week of lockdown
  • Lockdown 5.0 may be relaxed further : States to decide on malls restaurants
  • Trump says he spoke to Modi about China : No recent contact : Indian Officials
  • Rlys treatment of migrants border on barbarism violation of rights : NHRC


  • Challenge to plasma therapy : Getting donors to come forward
  • Cases up over last 10 days so is positivity rate

Govt & Politics

  • China-India border tension discussed at Army meet
  • Over 17 cr poor yet to get month’s quota of additional free grain
  • As lockdown 4.0 nears end , curve still ahead of projections

Express Network

  • A year of explaining internal affairs to the world


  • Filling the absence
  • A reason to hold back
  • When crisis comes

Ideas Page

  • You The People
  • Law that produces losers


  • How to read slowing growth
  • 7.75% RBI bonds discontinued : Cause and effect


  • Trump vs Twitter
  • Removing special status double edged sword : Hong Kong warns US over proposed move
  • 37 nations launch alliance to share covid tools


  • Already struggling , Covid adds to to govt’s challenges
  • Fiscal deficit widens to 4.6% of GDP in FY 20
  • Core sector output shrinks by record 38.1% in April
  • GST hike on non essential items unlikely despite falling revenues
  • Scrapping 7.75% savings bond to hit savers , pensioners
  • DGCA says locusts are a threat to aircraft

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