Important Articles from Indian Express: 24/7/2019

Front Page

  • Numbers game lost, exit cong – JD(S)
  • How Delhi rewound to Osaka to rebut Trump – diplomatically

In Parliament

  • RS returns Finance bill amid opp boycott, Budget passed
  • Govt introduces 2 bills in LS to usher in labour reform, Oppn seeks scrutiny

Govt & Politics

  • RTI bill set to face rough weather in RS

Express Network

  • NRC deadline Aug 31, SC rejects plea for sample re-verification
  • MP passes bill to raise OBC quota to 27% overall 73%


  • Reading Trump’s Kashmir offer
  • Tiangong 2
  • What are the Mauritius leaks, why are they important


  • The change triangle
  • Sound and fury
  • The right to know
  • Old tricks

Ideas Page

  • How not to educate India


  • Johnson to be new British PM


  • Banks stare at fresh NPA’s debt exposure of Rs 21K crore at stake
  • Rise in govt borrowing might have triggered NBFC crisis says Acharya
  • Govt aims to cut patent examination time to six months

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