Important Articles from Indian Express: 20/11/2019

Front Page

  • Skill study : Over next 5 yrs just 1 in 5 entrants to labour force a woman
  • New Delhi to host new colombo next week
  • Stone pelting in J&K down since Aug 5 says govt data differs
  • Whatsapp breach those targeted want house panel to investigate

In Parliament

  • Bill to regulate surrogacy tabled in RS
  • House nod to Jallianwala Bagh memorial bill

Govt & Politics

  • Govt says no central data, only two states passed bill against killing
  • Only 37% funds for PM-KISAN disbursed in 7 months

Express Network

  • SC on J&K curbs : Lawyers absent state taking matters very lightly
  • SC gives govt time to reconsider move on permanent commission to women in army


  • A greater ease of living
  • Figure it out
  • Defection and dissent

Ideas Page

  • Light spots in the dark
  • Reset the code


  • West Bank : What change in US Policy mean
  • Why is Delhi air cleaner ?


  • In shift, US declares Israeli settlement in West bank do not violate international law


  • PSB frauds at over 95700 cr in first 6 months of FY 20
  • Passenger vehicle registration up in Oct , numbers may dip again
  • No intention to revise fiscal target

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