Important Articles from Indian Express : 17/6/2024


  • 80 countries back Ukraine’s territorial integrity at Swiss meet, now word on NATO bid
  • Israel to pause day time fighting in part of Gaza to let in aid

Front Page

  • Govt looks at tax rate cut to boost demand, trigger private investment
  • Flagging need for Russia to be in India opts out of Ukraine declaration
  • On table at J&K meet : ramp up in Jammu security, tighter net for Amarnath yatra


  • A fitting frame
  • The skill gap

Ideas Page

  • A chance to reach out
  • Don’t put justice on hold


  • There should be continued public investment for inclusive growth : Sanjiv Puri


  • Another home for Cheetahs
  • A new way to predict ElNino and La nina
  • Capsaicin contradiction : Why chilis burn but humans love to eat them

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