Important Articles from Indian Express : 17/5/2022

Front Page

  • Varanasi court orders sealing of Gyanvapi mosque spot after Shivling discovery claim
  • Export ban shakes world markets, wheat prices up 6%
  • India-Nepal ties are as stable as the Himalayas says Modi in Lumbini
  • India looks at reopeing mission in Kabul minus senior diplomats

Govt & Politics

  • Hit by wheat export ban, traders call mandi strike
  • Plea seeks Mathura mosque survey on Gyanvapi lines
  • China building infra near Arunachal border says Army

Express Network

  • Monsoon reaches Andaman


  • Bridge to the Buddha

Ideas Page

  • Bound by Geography
  • On Sedition a beginning
  • The cybersecurity burden


  • Places of worship Act
  • Protected mobility vehicles
  • Fair & average quality wheat


  • Putin appears to back off threats as Sweden decides to join NATO


  • Rural pinces more in high inflation states

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