Important Articles from Indian Express : 10/4/2020

Front Page

  • Extending lockdown : Odisha leads the way
  • Double testing samples, new target 2.5 lakh by April 14 Centre to states
  • Higher spend, slump in revenues start straining finances of states
  • UN flags concern to govt covid group: Need to fight targeting of certain sects
  • India rejects China reference to J&K at UN
  • Pakistan pledges $3 million to SAARC fund


  • New app helps people track of hose under home quaratine
  • ICMR framing protocol for plasma therapy
  • Big spike in corona cases among SARI patients show ICMR research
  • India talks Covid 19 with South Korea Russia
  • Pvt labs endorse SC order on free tests want to know : Who will cover cost?


  • Reading the containment plan
  • Direct farm to kitchen with promise
  • Armed forces in outbreak battle: their role, procedures for requisition


  • Through the prism of crisis
  • Heed nature’s warning
  • WHO in the middle
  • Let it fall

Ideas Page

  • The law cannot fall silent
  • After the storm passes
  • Pollution and pandemic


  • Faced raicst slurs from Taiwan : WHO chief
  • UNSC to meet over outbreak discuss global ceasefire


  • Factory output inFeb at 7 month high, subdued growth in Apr – Feb
  • Lockdown global trade dislocation to hit Indian Economy : RBI report
  • Import of Covid 19 preventive products to get duty exemption

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