How to Select Optional Subject

To choose optional subject in UPSC, candidates should follow the following steps:

  1. Consider their interests and strengths: Candidates should choose a subject that they are interested in and have a good understanding of. This will help them to prepare well and score high marks in the exams.
  2. Research the available options: UPSC offers a list of optional subjects to choose from. Candidates should research the syllabus, exam pattern, and availability of study materials for each subject before making a decision.
  3. Seek advice from experts: Candidates can seek advice from their mentors, seniors, or UPSC experts to get a better understanding of the optional subjects and their suitability for the exams.
  4. Consider the time and effort required: UPSC exams are highly competitive and require a lot of time and effort for preparation. Candidates should choose an optional subject that they can devote sufficient time and effort to.
  5. Take Coaching / mock test: Candidates can take a mock test for the chosen optional subject to evaluate their performance and readiness for the exams. This will help them to identify their strengths and weaknesses and make necessary improvements.
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